
The Affordable DNA-Encoded Library (DEL) Screening Solution

X-Chem’s DELflex delivers a full service hit discovery solution with the adaptability you need. DELflex gives you access to leading DNA-encoded library (DEL) experts who work with you to understand your discovery objectives and guide you in designing the best DEL screening with X-Chem’s state-of-the-art DELflex libraries. Clients receive a comprehensive report of screening hits for follow up and can access X-Chem’s compound synthesis capability. DELflex provides the greatest flexibility, including full freedom to operate on any target, no downstream financial obligations, access to nearly 8 billion compounds, and options for synthesis and testing of compounds — all delivered in a straightforward contractual framework.

Find better drug leads faster by deploying the hit generation power of the most tested DEL platform in the industry.

DELflex advantages

  • Flexible access to DELs comprising 12 billion compounds
  • Full freedom to operate on any target
  • Options for synthesis and testing services
  • Straightforward contractual framework