
Does Size Matter in DEL Screening?

June 23, 2022

One of the most attractive aspects of DNA-encoded library (DEL) technology is the vast number of compounds that can be...

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Anglais Français X-Chem est votre partenaire pour la découverte de petites molécules  X-Chem est le partenaire dont vous avez besoin...


ALK-Abelló and X‑Chem Announce Drug Discovery Collaboration

February 6, 2020

WALTHAM, Mass. – February 5, 2019 - X-Chem, Inc. (X-Chem), a privately held biotechnology company focused on applying its next-generation, industry-leading DNA-Encoded library (DEXTM) drug discovery platform to the generation of novel small molecule therapeutics, announced today a drug discovery partnership with ALK-Abelló A/S (ALK), a Danish pharmaceutical company focused on the prevention and treatment of allergies. This collaboration will focus on the discovery of small molecule drug products to treat broad ranging allergies.